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Acts of Worship for this week and updates


Morning parents and carers,

as mentioned yesterday we are contacting parents in the priority groups and are now welcoming back more children. A few weeks ago I asked parents to not 'let this horrid situation become divisive within our school community'.

Children of key workers and vulnerable children are entitled to full time provision, whereas children who do not have key worker parents and are in Years R, 1 and 6 are being offered part time provision. This accords with the advice from Torbay and the DFE and allows us to get greater numbers back into school.

We can only go on the information that we are given by parents and trust that this is accurate and that full time places are only requested where there is a need rather than a preference. So again, do please trust that we are being fair, in terms of the offers we can make.

Please see this week's acts of worship for both Key stages. If you can, it would be great to talk through these with your child. Later today I will attach our protocols for the zoom meetings which will begin to take place with teachers. Many thanks, Mrs Burns

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