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Emergency Care

Please do not ask us to have your child in school if you are able to arrange alternative child care. The guidance is clear we should be staying at home where we can. We will now only take children in where both parents or carers are key workers or where a single parent is a key worker and child care is unavailable. We will use the government guidance on key workers rather than parents own interpretation of whether they consider themselves to be a key worker. Please be prepared for us to ask these questions. As well as caring for your children, we also need to care for our staff. They are willing to place themselves at risk but please only use this provision if other arrangements for child care have been fully considered and every effort has been made to keep children at home. Thank you to the vast majority of parents who have showed such great support, patience and sensitivity in these challenging times for us all. Thank you for thinking of us as we also think and care for your children. Mrs Burns

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