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Message from Mrs Burns


Good morning parents and carers.

We currently have about 30% of children in school. This is above our ideal rate but we have tried hard to ensure a fair and equitable approach to our numbers.

This week we should receive testing kits in school for all staff so that we can test all adults in school on a weekly basis. This will give us another level of protective measures.

We've received no more positive cases last week and the one person testing positive will return this week having completed their isolation period.

We continue to understand the challenges of home schooling. I frequently think of how I would've coped with my four primary aged children. I can just imagine the demands and difficulties at home for you!

Again, our message is - do your best! We understand that you may not be able to do every live lesson, especially where there may be three children at home. All teachers understand how tricky it is and a quick message to them explaining any difficulties will result in teachers really empathising with you and offering help!

This afternoon at 2.45 (starting at 2.50pm) we will have our usual Monday collective worship. Do encourage your child to join if they can as it's an important part of our ethos, but more importantly, it's just so nice to see all the children's' faces. Have a good week and contact us if you have any concerns or questions. Mrs Burns

Meeting ID: 881 7604 5057

Passcode: J8yS0M

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