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Weekly Message and whole school Worship

Dear Parents and Carers,

this week we welcomed back nearly 50% of children and have now offered some form of provision for everyone that has requested it. This has been a difficult journey up to this point but we got there! We thrilled to have the majority of our Year 6 back with us, even if this is only for a short time!

Hopefully you've now received the staffing structure for next year and next week you will begin to receive further information from class teachers about September. Reports will be available to collect on Friday with children in school bringing these home. Admin have sent you all collection times. If P.E. kits were left behind we'll bring these up to the hall too!

The newsletter will go out in a few days so please do take time to read it as quite a bit of effort goes into producing it and of course it often as some useful information for both parents and children.

We have at last completed the Beach room and we're thrilled with how this is looking. I'd be very happy to open the room on the last couple of days for parents to pop in at the end of the school day to take a 'socially distanced' look. The entrance is around the back of the school behind the garden. We'll make sure all the children get to take a look too.

Please share the worship with your child, teachers have a copy in school and will share it with classes this week. Hopefully it will build upon the work you are all already doing around changes and transitions. All staff are in full time now, so managing to teach all day and send home learning is more problematic but we will do our best up until the end of term!

Have a lovely week everyone and please continue to stay in touch with us, Mrs Burns

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